
An optimization focused emulator of the game "Chip's Challenge".

OS: Any With Java 17+ Installed
Version: 2.0.3 — Released: 2024-06-18
2018-2024 by Markus O., Bacorn, A Sickly Silver Moon, Tyler Sontag, and Glander
Chip's Challenge is a registered trademark of Bridgestone Media Group LLC, used here for identification purposes only. Not affiliated with, sponsored, or endorsed by Bridgestone Media Group LLC.

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SuperCC is an emulator of the Microsoft and Lynx rulesets for Chip's Challenge, with a heavy focus on optimization. The player can see the entire level at once, the game only updates when an input is made, allows for rewinding, save states, and numerous other features.

Chip's Challenge was created by Chuck Sommerville, and was originally written for the Atari Lynx handheld game console. It was subsequently ported to several other platforms, especially Windows 3.X (as a 16-bit executable). The community was built around the Microsoft version and as such to this day it remains the most popular version, especially for optimization and speedrunning.

During late 2018, Markus O. began writing "SuperCC" with the intention of creating a version of the MS game designed mainly for optimization and TAS purposes. At the encouragement of the CC community, Markus kept working on SuperCC all throughout his time in the community, adding in much requested features such as savestates, rewinding, TWS reading and writing, and even a cheat menu to make creating routes with RNG even easier. Markus continued to develop and make changes and improvements to the program until mid 2019, when his interest in CC dropped off and he left the community. Thankfully before he left he handed the development of SuperCC off to A Sickly Silver Moon and Bacorn, who worked on fixing remaining bugs, and adding TSP and variation testing respectively.

Throughout 2020 and 2021 as the remaining bugs within the emulator were quashed, A Sickly Silver Moon began work on a Lynx ruleset engine and handing off MS work to Bacorn. After months of work they finally arrived at SuperCC 2.0, a complete implementation of the Lynx ruleset into SuperCC.



SuperCC 2.0.3 [18/Jun/2024]
SuperCC Zip (program and user guide) [1.80 MB]

Glander added a system for custom tilesets.

Note: This release requires at least Java 17, which can be downloaded here.

SuperCC 2.0.2 [15/Jun/2022]
SuperCC Zip (program and user guide) [1.80 MB]

Glander added a system for automatic diagonals (check the controls menu). Minor fixes to seed search.

Note: This release requires at least Java 17, which can be downloaded here.

SuperCC 2.0.1 [19/Sep/2021]
SuperCC Zip (program and user guide) [1.80 MB]

Fixed sliding moves in Lynx not writing to TWS files properly, fixed a slide delay issue with clone machines, fixed ruleset-tileset issues.

Note: This release requires at least Java 16, which can be downloaded here.

SuperCC 2.0 [31/Aug/2021]
SuperCC Zip (program and user guide) [1.80 MB]

Added support for the Lynx ruleset and fixed a variety of known bugs. TSP and Variation Testing remain unavailable for Lynx currently.

Note: This release requires at least Java 16, which can be downloaded here.

SuperCC 1.0 [27/Mar/2020]
Compiled Jar (the program itself)
SuperCC_1.0.jar [1.12 MB]

Too many changes to fully list, TSP solver is much more accurate, variation tester updated, plenty of other changes

SuperCC 0.9 [13/Oct/2019]
Compiled Jar (the program itself)
SuperCC_0.9.jar [1.10 MB]

The variation tester has had many issues fixed and now allows for compound moves and more robust scripting. Ice Blocks are now fully working as well!

SuperCC 0.8 [20/Sep/2019]
Compiled Jar (the program itself)
SuperCC_0.8.jar [1.09 MB]

The variation (move) tester is here! As well as command line options (use java -jar SuperCC_0.8.jar -h for more info), mouse moves in TWS support, and checkpoints!

SuperCC 0.7 [20/Aug/2019]
Compiled Jar (the program itself)
SuperCC_0.7.jar [1.04 MB]

All known glitches fixed!

SuperCC 0.6.1 [11/Aug/2019]
Compiled Jar (the program itself)
SuperCC_0.6.1.jar [1 MB]
Source Code
Hosted on Sickly Silver Moon's Github
SuperCC 0.6 [08/Aug/2019]
Compiled Jar (the program itself)
SuperCC_0.6.jar [1 MB]
Source Code
Hosted on Sickly Silver Moon's Github

Support Programs

SuperCC CCEdit Bridge Program 2.0 [31/Aug/2021]
Windows Executable
Forwarder_2.0.exe [5.37 MB]
Source Code: [733 Bytes]

This forwarder is only for version 2.0 and onwards

Usage: Put the file in the same directory as SuperCC.jar, and point CCEdit's TW path at the Forwarder program (and make sure the SuperCC jar is named just "SuperCC.jar".
Linux users should use py_installer with the flag --onefile to compile the script.

SuperCC CCEdit Bridge Program 1.0 [12/Sep/2019]
Windows Executable
Forwarder_1.0.exe [5.33 MB]
Source Code: [725 Bytes]

This forwarder is only for versions 1.0 and prior

Usage: Put the file in the same directory as SuperCC.jar, and point CCEdit's TW path at the Forwarder program (and make sure the SuperCC jar is named just "SuperCC.jar".
Linux users should use py_installer with the flag --onefile to compile the script.

Support Files

SuperCC User Guide 2.0 [31/Aug/2021]
PDF File
SuperCC_User_Guide_2.0.pdf [354 KB]

The SuperCC user guide/help file distributed alongside version 2.0 & 2.0.1 of the program.

Source Code

All source code is hosted on Sickly Silver Moon's Github.

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